I got curious about employment numbers today after listening to some discussion of the matter. Here are the US employment numbers for recent years:
The Feb 2020 number (before the pandemic plunge) was 152.5M. The April 2022 number was 151.3M. So, despite the low unemployment rate numbers, 1.2M fewer people are working now. So, despite the headlines, employment has NOT recovered. But, it gets worse than that. As you can see there is a general upward trend, which is primarily a result of increasing population. If we look at the data 3 years earlier and compare Feb 2017 to April 2019, the number of employees increased by 4.8M. If we assume that pattern would have continued without the pandemic, the April 2022 number would have been (152.5 + 4.8) 157.3, or 6M more. So, is there any wonder why we have so many job openings? There are probably 6M people sitting on the sidelines.
Looking at the labor force participation rate over the same time period: