21 years ago, my friends and I exposed a false flag war.Over the next several years, nearly every prediction we made happened. Our pre-Iraq War claims were thoroughly vindicated. They seem obvious now.But at the time, no major American institution was reporting the things we had found -- so we ran radio ads. The ads would air, and the stations would get angry calls and they refused to sell us additional time.We even got a death threat.The website was TruthAboutWar.org. It's been frozen - preserved since 2003.It's a timeless testament on how to use principles and heuristics to challenge political authority in a crisis.
For decades, American aid to Israel has sent a strategic message: the greatest superpower in the world stands behind the Jewish state. But does it really? Historian and former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren tells EconTalk's Russ Roberts that it's time for Israel to stop accepting U.S. foreign aid. He also explains why he's optimistic about Israel's future even as the Gaza War drags on.
One of the symptoms of The Enshittenment is the inability to told more than 1 truth at the same time
I need you to pick a side – quick! – are you a flat earther or are you a terrorist?Too often today we are asked to “choose a flag” or “pick a side” as if we lived in a simplistic binary world and we were obligated to instantly identify and align with one side or the other.Are you pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine? Are you pro-Ukraine or a Putin lover? Are you with Isreal or Hamas?Bret Weinstein and I delve into the intricacies of recent global events that have left so many unnerved and sometimes intellectually or morally homeless. It turns out the binary choice is a false dichotomy. There are nuances and subtleties that matter, and more often than not there’s a third option that makes more sense.
The Government™ has made an ad about what's happening in Israel & Gaza and it's surprisingly honest and informative.
Pentagon officials plan to keep spending on Ukraine even if there's a government shutdown. Reason's Nick Gillespie says that's "an amazing admission by the deep state."
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