in no small irony, the pavel durov russian founder of the widely used text messaging system telegram, who fled russia to avoid interference in his business and the privacy of his users has been arrested. in france. because make no mistake, the EU has become the point of the spear on intrusive mandate that all media, social media, and communications must be subject to the state and to the supra-national groups that organize it. the EU has done nothing but push mandates for surveillance and censorship, for hate speech and “misinformation” which increasingly has come to mean “and facts we don’t like.”he made the (extremely unwise) choice to allow his private jet to land in france for reasons unknown. i suspect there’s a story there as he’s not a fool and must have known what would happen.the french cops swooped, he’s now jailed, and facing 20 years for the heinous crime of “allowing people to speak privately to one another in a manner the EU cannot readily surveil.”governments have been pressuring him to allow their police and intelligence groups access for years.the west has become what we used to vilify china and the soviets for.