If anyone is using Fedora 34 linux, the OpenShot provided in the system is incorrectly built and runs like garbage.
I decided to try a build from source and had great results by following the build guides for the three required source packages provided on openshot.org.
From source, I made sure I downloaded the source for an official release branch, in my case 2.6.1.
Prior to attempting build, for full functionality, install the following packages:
dnf install pkg-config libX11-devel freetype-devel fdk-aac-free-devel jsoncpp-devel qt5-qtbase-devel qt5-qtmultimedia-devel unittest-cpp-devel cppzmq-devel python3-devel swig ImageMagick-devel ffmpeg-devel python3-zmq python3-pyqt5-sip ruby-devel opencv opencv-devel protobuf protobuf-devel zeromq zeromq-devel codec2-devel cppcodec-devel doxygen doxygen-doxywizard
There may be a few more that I had already installed in my system prior to build attempt.