It’s estimated that there are over 50 million pensioners in the United States alone.Like the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Italy, Germany and many other countries around the world are all in concerning condition when it comes to the solvency of their pension funds.The recent book, How To Steal A Lot of Money Legally authored by Ted Siedle was written to give guidance, resources, and tools for today's pension stakeholders & society so that they can take action… and stop the looting.Ted is a former SEC attorney. His firm, Benchmark Financial Services, Inc. has pioneered over $1 trillion in forensic investigations of the money management industry. He's nationally recognized as an authority on pensions and investment management matters, having testified before the Senate Banking Committee regarding fund scandals and is an expert in various Madoff-related and other litigations.In 2017, he secured the largest SEC whistleblower award in history of $48 million, and in 2018, the largest CFTC award in history at $30 million.