Here's some views from the onboard flight camera.
The first image notice that the chute lines are ripped off and the lack of a drogue chute. Notice the kevlar tether between the nose and the electronics bay held the two parts together well. Lastly, take a look at the nymex chute protector (a small 6"x6" square orange) - well, only a piece of it is left, and that is made of nymex!!! If you zoom in look to the left and down from the nose cone, you'll see the smoke trail from the fincan/motor way up.
The next two were also taken from the bay as it was descending. It just happened to be looking up in these two frames and you can see the smoke trail of the motor and fincan. It went really high, zoom in on the images and you see a small silver sliver. The distortion you see on the smoke trail is due the wind, but I'm guessing there is some distortions during the separation.